Sunday, 14 August 2011


hallo everybody ,
nice to meet you all .
i 'm so happy today .
u all know why ?
this is because tomorrow is the first day pmr trial .amazing right ?
hahaha . you all must be perfectly ready .
but me ? juz ... err . hmmm . arrr ,
20% maybe ,
not weird huh ?
i ' m frighten but .. i keep myself calm .
so , u all can see myself so relax tomorrow .
u all want the the answer ? juz put up your hands or sweet me .agagag ~
crazy .
i had to go now .
bye guys .
gud luck pmr !
wish me luck .

saye budak pandai .

Friday, 12 August 2011

F . O . C . U . S

assalamualaikum <3

hai eyeryone . for this post i mention for the trial PMR first .at one , i was shock like the g-shock watch that i wear everyday to school . u all know why ? it is because .....

1) PMR TRIAL just around the corner . OMG ! i 'm not ready yet .
2) i have to struggle much .
3) read the book everytime .
4) no more internet . television . handphone .everything lost for this week .
5)i luv my parent , so this is the present should i give to them .(8a maybe)

but ..
the important things should i do is pray ..pray ..and pray ... may god bless me !
i 'm not tension now but 15 / 08 /2011 @ 7 : 30 a. m ..i will suffer alone .haha
.crazy !!

let me speak in malay ok ! walaupun agak rojak ayat bm aq tp na wat canerr .haha .
act aq suke dengan kedudukan aku di dalam dewan peperiksaan .sape ta suke beb dapat duduk nan besties kite snirik an .walaweyh . depan aq alif daniel .dy hebat sains and yang bagus .memandangkan sains aq markah ciput sangat , dye yang akan jadi mangsa pertama aq untuk mintak jawapan .math pun dye ok jugak . kire genius lha jugak jantung hati aq ny ,aq je yang bodoh .bangang sangat .suruh blaja tanak ! ta gune punye olang .ape pon ta boley lha .next , belakang aku harith ezzany hebat english . maklumlah anak dr .zainudin .speaking berapi siutt ..sebelah aku plak fatieya .aku suruh dye bace kh .teiya tuncit uw pndai gak .nanty law ta pham ada lha tu isyarat yang bukan2 keluar .wakaka .dpan fatieya plak ,,syazana .die hebat geografi and agama .lalala !itu lah pntingnya sahabat .boley tlong menolong mase senang mahupun susah .btol tak ? ta perlu dah maen toyol2 semua .kemudahan semua di hujung jari .lalala ~cume sejarah je yang aku takot skrang ny .harap2 dapat score lha . 80 pun jadi ahh .takot lha seyh ..

ok2 .aku nak study !

wish me luck :)

sye budak pandai ..faten_chera gemok lagi pendek ~

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

~ i'm pressure !! ~

what is this life , is full of care ,
we have no time to stand and stare ,

no time to stand beneath and boughs ,
and stare as long as sheep or cows .

no time to wait till his mouth can
enrich that smile her eyes began shine .

hallo guys ,sorry this is the sad post .i have to story here because nobody know what i'm feeling right now . i 'm not good in english but i tibai sajerr . =)

ok honestly ,i hate the way that i feel right now . [oh dear ! that sounds very complicated . what a nightmare !! ] i'm not sure how to describe it but i think it's a mixture of sad and bad . how can that be ? well , i feel sad because i'm leaving my beloved classmate , teachers and my school yesterday and i feel bad because i 'm going to left them again this day .how cruel i am !!

tonight , i can 't sleep well although i 'm not in good condition . i want to go back hostel now and be the hosterian !! please mummy , don 't force me to rest anymore . i'm get better now and i want to go to school to be like other students !!

what a fake smile .nothing can i do .annoying ~

i can't believe that this is the last week before the PMR TRIAL . how damn !! seriously , i 'm not ready yet .only just 20% . how hebadnye diri saye ini ! like my father said ''STK students must be perfect ,always straights ! '' .how he knows ? he never knows how i 'm studying . almost every day ? every tyme ?every hour ? every second ?pegang buku sajer , bace tak pun .dalam buku ada komik cartoon juga =) huh .pressure !! pain !! tired of this !! pray for me and alif daniel for this PMR ok ?

this exam will be different from the PK-1 and also midyear exam . but i don' t want to think about that right now . it's too horrible for words .

my funny little boy (A*** D*****) seems unsually happy tooday . how strange , when i 'm feeling so down . i thought he would be really upset too . now , i 'm just confusd ! i don 't know how to think . i 'm lazy to settle about this .but i 'm not a childish anymore to let this problem happen till it burden myself and others ..i wish that time could be stopped still last night , and could have stayed at school forever ..


goodbye everyone !!

written by :budak gemuk lagi pendek :)

9.8.2011 ~ what a fake day ~

hai guys <3 ,
(sila abaikan gmbar diatas )

sory this is my first tyme i update blog .agak2 kalau tanak bace u may go now bebeh ! huh .garang sungguh .lalala ~

act hari ny aq ta sekolah .u all know why ?saje suke2 ta mao skola .beselah budak '' pandai ''. prasan ahh .paper bm un b .hampeh !ape pun ta bole .ok stop nonsense .kte brbalik smula pd soalan td .ceewaaahh ,da mcm journalist pun ad ,sbnarnye aq dmam + sakit tekak +batuk +muntah2 . ny da ok skit .kot lha .badan un suam2 kuku je nyh ,smlam lg truk tp aq dgil tanak balik ostel ,penakoott !haha .err .ny da balek rumah mmg best siodd =) ,dilayan sperti raja . ''kakak nak makan ape buke nanti ?''soalan tu soalan pertama yang tergolek dari bibir sexy ayah aq ,haha ,ayat ta boley bla lha .aq pun ap lagi .mcm aq cakap ,nasi kerabu lha .ayam percik lha .tahu panas lha .mcm2 ,ye lha kan puase makin banyak pulak nafsu na makan yang bukan2 .aq ny pulak spesies yang muntah kedarah .pantang nampak .sume aq sebat .tolak batu dgan kayu je .haha ~tngok badan snirik tahu .wakaka ~

act aq sdih jgak bile brada di rumah , dah lha busan yang teramat .sunyi je ,kalau sekolah msti dapat jmpe kawan2 ,cikgu2 .tak lupe jugak my ehem-ehem (A*** D*****) .tak terkata rindunye .jiwang gilorr .euww ~gedik ahh .hari2 da jmpe .ny baru satu hari ta jmpe da rindu .ap hal ?lg satu kalau kat skola msty kecoh punye .lagi2 budak kelas aq tuh ,macam kanak2 ribena pun ada aq tngok .lari sane ,lari sini .btw you all mmg best ,bese lha 3AT ,SAPE TA KNAL kan ?paling mantol .hurm . na dkat2 trial nyh .bley pulak kan demam .haiyaa !aq excited na belajar tibe2 pening kepala .tapi ape2 pun aq ttap akan buad yang terbaik untuk trial kali nih .fatin buleh !! majulah sukan untuk negara .YEAHH !

ny ada lg satu hal ..patut kah ibu aku suruh joging pagi2 buta tyme aq tengah demam2 mcm ny ?yela suruh berpeluh katenye . ta perlu lha ,ibu .update blog dpan laptop ny pun da berpeluh .banjir satu bilik ny dok perah idea na tlis ape .haha . mengarut je lha budak mereng sorang ny .k lha , nothing to display right now .

study's tyme !

goodbye ,everyone !

*lupe na inform .hary ni bday my frienz _pieyqa norsyafiqah ,hepy bday sahabad !may god bless u as friend of mine .

ok .lupe na bagi salam .ASSALAMUALAIKUM ~kum . kum ..